Delivering Regular Residential Garbage Collection Services
Residential Garbage Collection - Teaneck
Depending on their street location, Teaneck residents may be serviced by either Buldo Sanitation, Inc. or M&M Buldo. Those customers serviced by Buldo Sanitation, Inc. are billed monthly, while those serviced by M&M Buldo, are billed quarterly.
Our regular household waste removal pickup is offered twice a week. Depending on your street location, it is either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. You will have to call the office to confirm your exact pickup days. Your trash should be placed in a designated area the night before pickup to guarantee service.
For pricing,
please call the office (201) 666-8361.
Residential Recycling Service – Teaneck
For recycling and garden debris pickup information visit the Township of Teaneck’s recycling web page here.
Residential Garbage Collection – River Vale
Our customers residing in River Vale are serviced by M & M Buldo and are billed quarterly.
Our residential waste removal service is offered on Monday and Thursday of every week. Your trash should be placed in a designated area the night before pickup to guarantee service.
For pricing,
please call the office (201) 666-8361.
Residential Recycling Service – River Vale
For recycling and garden debris pickup information visit the Township of River Vale’s recycling web page here.
Residential Garbage Collection – Township of Washington
Residential Recycling Service – Township of Washington
For recycling and garden debris pickup information visit the Township of Washington’s recycling web page here.
Holiday Schedule
Buldo companies honor the following holidays on which services may be reduced or canceled. Service changes during these holidays are posted on the website in advance.

Bulk Residential Pickup
We realize that there are times when you will need waste disposal service in addition to that provided by regular household garbage pickups. For example, you may have the need to dispose of construction materials, appliances, and furniture, as well as, dispose of high volumes of waste accumulated through basement or garage cleanups. You must call the office (201) 666-8361 to schedule this service.
The collection of these items will usually be scheduled along with your next regular trash pickup. Depending on the item, there will be an additional charge, which will only be applied after pick up is completed. All items designated for bulk pick up must be at your curbside along with your regular trash. If you do not call ahead of time to schedule a bulk pick up, your items will not be collected. For larger projects, please consider our affordable roll-off container service.